What the hell is gluten?
In this Incredibly Nit-picky review, it's the pipe smoking uber-dad and that lady who wore leather breeches and owned California in Double Indemnity!
So Super Smart Insurance Fella figures that by dragging and dropping a guy on to the tracks means MASTER PLAN COMPLETE NO PROBLEM-O? Really? Even though it's CSI:1938, couldn't he at least have rumpled the man's suit? Put grease on his face? WHAT ABOUT THE BOUNCE MARKS AND MURDER SMELL?
You thought drunk tweeting was bad....
I guess I shouldn't be too hard on the guy. With the benefit of hindsight, it was easy to see that the insurance company would just decide to dick over the little guy by basically saying "we're not paying, go ahead and sue" (who knew they were really just saving us from ne'r-do-wells?).
Then again, Fred did point the Short-tempered Rage-a-holic (known in the movie as the Italian kid) at the only innocent person with the stirring motivational speech "go get her boy, she wants you now!"
THANKS A LOT, ASSHOLE. She will surely enjoy her life of heavy drinking and random beatings. It's a LOVE STORY.
It's like he never saw a film noir before.
I give this picture 4 High-waisted Trousers.