I'm a web developer/sysadmin/host (NERD TRIPLE THREAT!) and this is my attempt to write about...leaving the house. Sometimes. Like, to go backpacking. And take some pictures. And justify spending the money on all the gear WHY SO MUCH?!?
So check back weekly for all the smrt missives! And the dumb tweets!
Feel free to write and complain.
Ocean's 11 was a movie made in 1960 about the GI Bill. For some reason it starred a bunch of singers and entertainers and......Peter Lawford?
Frank SInatra plays the partial title character of Danny 11, a washed up sweater model who is longing for the action of opening and closing doors in a building.
Dean Martin plays Dean Martin's mother and you just know he's hitting that HARD
The plot revolves around the wacky hijinks these wonderful scamps get up to on their way to a funeral
All told, this movie was quite the flight of fancy because there is actually no possible way a casino could ever lose money.
I give this film 6 pinky rings.
Vertigo was a 1958 After School Special about the Dangers of Laziness. It was originally titled "It's a Wonderful Ledge", but that was deemed too on-the-nose.
This is definitely Midge's movie. She had JohnnieO pegged as a lazy-ass dope from the jump (that may be in bad taste but I'll allow it). I don't know what the prescription on those glasses is, but she sees through him like a household glass hole (you know, for light). (WINDOW that's the word. Household glass WINDOW).
This movie also has meaning for our Very Important Modern Times. Old-timey James Comey made sure we all knew how bad Johnnie was at...any job, really. He couldn't keep up with a flat foot cop with a massive gunbelt or a blonde in 3 inch heels running up stairs. He also had the curiousity and intellectual rigor of a bag of wet turnips.
And evidently doctors would talk to anyone about anything. Here is Dr Frank HIPAA (no relation) realizing that Midge knows more about the human condition than his blue shirt ever will.
At least everything worked out in the end.
And Midge? She went on to found the Blue Moon Detective Agency and solve a few crimes and NEVER HAVE TO DEAL WITH OVERWROUGHT MAN-BABIES EVER AGAIN!