I miss her so much.
Gotta go hide and scare the pitbull.
She really was a jerk sometimes. Her favorite was the paw swipe from behind the hallway curtains STOP CAMPING YOU NOOB. But she put up with me picking her up so she could look out the back window. She really had no idea why i did this, but she went along with it and purred away. In cat-speak this was probably meant as "I will kill you LAST".
We picked her up from the pound after my first cat died. Picked her out right off the bat without thinking how she'd fit in with the other pets in the house. MY BAD, but I wouldn't have changed it. She was a jerk but she wasn't mean. She put up with being belled, after all (no sneaky-peteing the other cats). And having to wear the name tag belonging to the cat she wanted to tangle with the most (man, I think I was the jerk here).